- Nana-Dictta

Internationally Acclaimed Professional Fine Micro-Mosaic Artist / Business Enterpreneur

Lecturer/ Fine Art Curator/Consultant, Moderator/Key Note Speaker/International Multicultural Education, Diversity Inclusiveness, Restoration and Conservation Specialist, Hat designer, Healing Art, and expect strategist on creative ideas with corporate leadership.

Born in Ghana spent most of her celebrated professional life, educating and sharing creative work that contributes to social change.
One might even agree that “Recycle” has been her Fine Art life’s journey which began as a teenager in the early eighties when her first solo exhibition in Ghana preceded her immigration to the United States, until now.

Today, “Going Green” is highlighted Globally.
Each and every work she has created has meant a lot to her.

Her ultimate vision is to create a masterpiece every single time and to put value into the world. To her, understanding ideas in visual inspiration is what it means to connect human souls.

“An inspiring, handmade Micro-Mosaic work, that combines fine art and ecological sustainability… Old ideas into a new vision and creative thinking outside the box – raises the narratives to put a value into the world, and understanding the human soul that connects values and principles ".

The aspect of the Micro-Mosaic lingers with quite a number of people with its constructive details and beauty.

Compelling the story-telling behind each work, that

motivates and inspires all ages to come together with a purpose to lift up dreams.
Hope, restores confidence in this ethical world to empower others to go forward to meet daily challenges with the courage to make a difference.

Nana-Dictta’s talent has received much acclaim recognition nationally and internationally.

Her growth of grace in one of her hand-made masterpieces “Bread of Heaven” endorsed by former First Lady of California Maria Shriver.

- Looking Back

Nana-Dictta’s first solo exhibition held in Ghana 1981, was formally opened by the second Lady, Lily De-Graft Johnson, of Ghana, wife of the then vice president.The nine day exhibition attracted over 30 thousand people and inspired the World.
Some of her earliest pieces were commissioned by the Ghana government as part of the world rich cultural heritage and are on permanent display in the presidential castle of Ghana, the museum of Ghana as well as other European countries.
Nana-Dictta has participated in numerous national and International Art exhibitions Japan, East Germany, Italy, India, Great Britain, Denmark, Spain and Belize.
During her early stages, Ms. Graves was honored by A.O. Bartimeus, then President of the Ghana Association of Artists to lecture her techniques to students across the country she was also the nominated designer for various patterns and logos for International Wax Print Textiles Inc.
Ms Dictta, was interviewed continuously on television programs “IN TOWN, WOMANS WORLD” and POST BAG 1633, a radio station to encourage the population’s development of talents in both education and traditional culture.
In Feb 1982 Nana-Dictta Graves was part of the World Exhibition of Contemporary Art on display at the Kaiser Center Mezzanine Art Gallery, Oakland, California, sponsored by the Volta Aluminum Company Limited (Valco). Her Fine Art work entitled “For the Poor” was honored with “Best Award".
Acknowledged globally as a master of visual communicator in our everyday lives, Nana-Dictta’s natural gift of inspirational speaking is a treat to experience a purpose that restores confidence and nurturing our visionary leadership.

Green is our style

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Green is ourStyle!